How to Export the Best Quality Image for Instagram

Instagram is one of my favorite places to post images as a photographer. Still, I wouldn't say I like it when a picture looks fuzzy or washed out because Instagram's image compression algorithm crushes the quality of the images in exchange for a smaller image size; to make sure your feed runs smoothly when 1000 images are being uploaded per second.

To ensure the highest possible results, I recommend learning and understanding the proper export settings for Instagram if you want to upload crisp images. These settings can make all the difference when showcasing your pictures on this widely used platform. Every year, many photographers come up with updated image export settings; most of them will work, but you should choose what you think is appropriate for your image and how it looks to you.

It's important to know that most photographers upload their images to Instagram after running them through a photo editing process to improve upon what they have created with their camera because they shoot in RAW file format. Editing or retouching photos can be done in several ways; this usually involves changing the contrast, color correction, sharpening, and cropping the image to make it more pleasing to the eye through some photo editing software. I use Adobe Lightroom Classic. While shooting in JPEG, the camera will take the raw file and automatically add saturation, contrast, noise reduction, sharpening, and possibly other things. As a result, the quality of the photo will be reduced, and editing it to your taste will be difficult. So always shoot RAW.

After you take your RAW image shot and you’re done with your post-production, now let's dive into the exact export settings I use to help you ensure your Instagram images look as good as possible.

Step 1: Image cropping. Before exporting your image, you must understand the aspect ratio of Instagram. You need to adjust it yourself, otherwise, your image will be cropped automatically to fit a supported ratio. The recommended aspect ratios for Instagram are:

  • 1080 x 1080 (1:1) for square photos.

  • 1080 x 608 (1.91:1) for landscape-oriented photos.

  • 1080 x 1350 (4:5) for portrait-oriented photos.

I crop all my photos to a 4:5 aspect ratio since it takes up the most space on Instagram’s feed and is more appealing and attractive to the eyes. You can follow the same steps below.

After you’re done cropping, go to File —> Export.

Set the location where you want to save your file and give it a name. Below is my way to more organized process. When you’re done, scroll down to the file setting.

Step 2: File setting.

  1. File format. Although you should take and edit your photos in RAW format, you should never share a RAW file on any platform you use due to its large file size; that's a general rule. The preferred format for Instagram is JPEG.

  2. Quality. I set my quality to 100% when exporting because a higher-quality image will suffer less damage after the compression algorithm. Just remember that higher quality means bigger files, but that shouldn't be an issue.

  3. Color space. Instagram's colors can be more accurate and vibrant if you use the right color space, so always use sRGB. It's the most appropriate color space for computer screens and other digital devices, like tablets and smartphones.

Step 3: Image Sizing.

  1. Resize to fit. This is the most crucial part of the process. Yes, I cropped the image earlier to 4:5 (W1080 ☓ H1350), but doubling its size here to (W2160) will allow Instagram to retain more quality in the picture after it compresses it. I usually keep the Hight empty.

  2. Resolution. I always keep mine at 72 ppi (pixels per inch) because anything higher than that won’t be noticeable and would just make your file size larger.

Step 4: Output sharpening.

  1. Sharpen for. Since you're exporting your image for digital use, we will obviously set it to screen.

  2. Amount. Your images may look great on your computer screen, but once you upload them to Instagram, they tend to look dull. Adding some extra sharpening to your image is essential when it's going to Instagram. I would set that to high, but you can change it according to your preference.

You’re ready to hit export and upload your image to Instagram.

It is now easy for you to export your pictures from Lightroom to Instagram in the best way possible; it’s better not to upload them directly from your camera if you want sharp and clear images. You should be able to adapt my examples to Photoshop, Luminar, or any other photo editing software you use.

Hope these methods work for you, and I'm looking forward to seeing your amazing Instagram posts soon. Please feel free to post any questions or suggestions below!


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